Our Management
Software, the dozens of Modules
we provide, help to optimize
the Processes of Organizations,
their operation. However, we focus
in here on the processes themselves,
their definition, implementation,
control and review.
We have the expertise, services
and tools needed to optimize your
Processes in terms of:
Definition of their Models and Workflows;
Execution of tasks of processes
in accordance with previously defined
Control of the status of process
tasks and their performance;
Continuous Review and Improvement
of Processes;
Support of Processes in a solid
Document Management;
Support of Process Management in
Business Intelligence Models and
Support to Interveners in the Processes
with E-learning contents and facilities.
Processes and Workflows
Without approaching theoretical
discussions, for what concerns us
in terms of
of quick, economic and effective
solutions, it should
be noted that in our methodology,
comprises Workflows
have to do with similar Tasks
in order to achieve certain
Processes and Workflows are usually
transversal to organizations and
comprise multiple types of interveners
playing different roles in different
departments. On the other hand,
a particular type of interveners
usually perform Tasks in a particular
Based on this framework,
we can
intervene in an Organization to
help it implement one or more Workflows,
without having to define the Processes
along their entire extent.
As mentioned above, Workflows sum
up to chain tasks in order to achieve
a certain Goal.
set and clear what that Goal is,
it is possible to define the Workflow
needed and implement it quickly
and economically, thus
adding immediately value to the
organization without the need to
deepen the Processes in all their
aspects and interconnections.
We remind you that
contribute in various ways to improve
the functioning of Organizations.
On its definition, the methodology
used makes one
the Tasks that compose it and their
chaining, who intervenes
and what he does, and so on.
Once implemented, these schemes
are simple and easy to understand
by all those who perform activities
related to workflows – they can
replace the aid documentation that
traditionally supports the performance
of Tasks.
On a daily basis, they can
the accomplishment of the Tasks
comprised in them, thus allowing
the registration of the data of
what is being done, who is doing
it and when, and so on.
Finally, they allow the
of what is happening at a given
in all workflows, the tasks
underway, what has been done and
is to be done, times and other information.
Thus, Management can
in order to attend to any failure
and gather information that
is essential to the
improvement of Workflows and Processes
In many cases, our Interventions
need not go beyond the implementation
of critical workflows. This allows,
particularly in specific areas where
we have an extensive experience,
design and implementation of workflows
according to the best practices,
though in a short time,
and provides,
on a
daily basis, the execution of such
workflows by interveners at a very
low cost and on the Cloud,
that is, without having to install
Note that workflows
either trivial activities that are
to all organizations
that are more specific
Examples of Workflows
For instance, with respect to transversal
activities, placing an order, making
a proposal, admitting an employee,
processing an invoice from a supplier,
a purchase of a good or a claim
for compensation, a trip, dealing
with fiscal year commitments. In
general, things that have to be
started by someone, authorized by
others, performed by someone else
and reviewed through some kind of
quality control later on, according
to given procedures and deadlines.
Regarding activities that are more
specific, these depend on each business
field. For instance, generating
events of various types, licensing
works, carrying an audit out, promoting
an advertising campaign, publishing
a book, making something on demand
for a Customer, even arranging meetings
of any size and formality.
idea is that, following the workflows,
nothing comes to fail!
Sometimes, however, it is necessary
to set the processes in detail having
in mind the documentation based
on Quality Management Systems. Our
Consulting Services and Tools can
also help you in these cases.
We use
tools compatible with the market
standards, the BPMN notation,
so the processes defined in our
tools can be easily implemented
in other ones that also meet these
Talk to us about your case!
Could it be that there are tasks
that can be chained in an optimized
way, implemented and monitored on
a daily basis and always using the
right path, procedures and deadlines?
Moreover, would not that lead to
gains for your organization and
satisfaction for everyone?
Contact us!