Click on
the Module Codes to learn more. Watch their Videos to
deepen your knowledge.
Institutions and People
Communications and General Support
- Time & Tasks / Time Sheets
Essential for planning and controlling Times of People
and Equipment.
The time of People is often the most expensive resource.
Has it been well used?
You would like to know the time spent by People in the
various Processes to Optimize Time and Reduce Costs and
Improve the Performance of Your Organization?
What about Equipment, how have they being used?
M350 - Cloud Customer Services / Helpdesk
The Internal Helpdesk
enables you to centralize the support to employees in
the performance of their tasks. Can also be used as
Suggestion and Complaint Boxes and much more.
Externally, it enables
Cloud Customer Services for both Customers and Citizens
in General,
from Post-Sales support and General Assistance to the
interaction of Citizens with Public Bodies.
For example, it supports
traditional IT Helpdesk, Customer care, Care Services in
general, care of Citizens allowing them to put their
questions to the Municipality / City, a Department of
Lost and Found, etc.
Essential for the ISO
9000:2008 Quality Certification.
- Document Management on the Web
Good Document Management is increasingly essential to
modern Organizations.
This Module allows you to set up and manage a General
Archive Organizer and Document Integrator and thus add a
lot of value to the Organization.
And being on the Web makes all the difference - it's
available anytime, from anywhere, to anyone who's
This Module focuses on Document Item Records to which
Documents and Files (and other objects) are attached,
whether scanned in the Cloud or in other forms
Documental Items are organized in Folder Structures, in
Documental Items may be associated with Administrative
Proceedings, records of treatments given to the
And with this, it is also easier to meet the ISO 9001:
2015 Quality requirements.
M510 - Office & Document Management
You can start out with
Office Incoming and Outgoing Items only.
Then you can implement
tracking of Internal Circulation of Documents, including
Administrative Acts thereon.
Acts as Administrative
Reviews and Information on the Documents, determination
of Procedures to be followed, Approvals and Orders in
And you can also implement
the Document Scanning and if you want, the end of Paper
And always fulfilling the
requirements of ISO 9001:2008 Quality Standards..
- Management of Libraries / Titles
Many Organizations keep libraries even if only for
magazines and technical books to support their activity.
And there are, of course, more traditional libraries,
e.g., School Libraries.
With this Module you can manage Libraries and Titles in
general, from the Thematic Organization to the
Registration of Titles, their connection with Authors
and others, their Circulation and Loans.
- Quality Management
It is up to the
Quality Management Systems (QMS) to ensure that there is
compliance in Processes, Products and Services
considered critical to the Organizations.
Conformity between what exists and happens, and what was
established and should exist and happen. And, in case of
nonconformities, contribute to solve them.
For this purpose, this Module supports a General
Repository of Information and Documentation on Business
Processes and related Entities, Objects and Events.
It also supports the specific and documentable treatment
of Events such as Meetings, Decisions, Plans, Objectives
and Goals, Communications, Testing, Calibrations,
Complaints, Nonconformities and Audits, as well as Items
whose compliance should be analyzed by the QMS, and
other attributes of the Entities, or characteristics of
Products and Services.
- Evaluation of/by Trd Parties
Running after the ISO
9000:2008 Quality Certification?
This requires your
Organization to be assessed by Third Parties, and Third
Parties to be evaluated by your Organization
Third Parties who may be
Customers and Suppliers, but also others whom your
Organization deals with. You can count on this Module
for that.
- Notes, Subjects and Tasks
Benefit from a type of Controlled Communication in
accordance with the ISO 9000:2008 requirements.
It's not like ordinary e-mails whose subjects are
scattered throughout mailboxes and cannot be either
rebuilt or audited.
Rather, everything is
centralized in a database accessible as a whole by
whoever is authorized to do so.
There is also a Shared
Electronic Notebook so that what is relevant to the
Subjects and Tasks at issue can be registered.

Consumption / Stocks Management
Want to
control your consumptions in a better way?
Your Stockroom or Warehouse?
Internal Requests for Consumptions
of People and Departments?
And if you consume Raw Materials
at your Factory, also want a better control of that Process?
The Management of Consumption and
Stocks of Organizations can be optimized with this Module.
Includes treatment of Consumption Plans and Orders, their fulfillment and Transport
Waybills / Delivery Bills
as well as Items entering the Stockroom.
Automates the reflections of such Items entering or leaving the
in terms of Stocks, Accounting and Budgeting.
Implements the
Average and Last Cost
and the
Control of Quantities:
Current Quantity, Reserved Quantity, Incoming and Outgoing
Alerts and Consumption Statistics

- Consumption / Clinical Stocks Management
This Module, integrated with the
M155 - Consumption / Stocks, which also has to be subscribed,
linked to a Patient Code and to a Procedure, Surgery / Recovery
and Doctor / Company, allows associating and making consumption
available through these variables.
It allows managing the Architecture / Catalog of Products,
Multiple Warehouses, Products and Lots / Batches, Locations in
Warehouses and Facilities for the purposes in view.
The opening and maintenance of Patient / User Codes to which the
consumption will be associated. The Registration of Processes,
Procedures / Surgeries / Recoveries and Doctors / Companies
related to the Patient / User Codes. The Registration of
Requisitions and their Fulfillment with Stock Allocation
associated to the Patient Codes.
It provides Statistics of these consumptions by Organization
Units and Products as well as Patients, Processes, Procedures /
Surgeries / Recoveries and Doctors / Companies and other outputs
for consumption analysis, including several graphs and lists
configurable by Users.
All this integrated with what the M155 offers.

- Equipment and Facilities Management
Have Equipment and Facilities to
run? This Module can help you!
The maintenance of the Registration,
Characterization of Equipment and Facilities, their
architecture and Allocations, Integration with Helpdesk,
Maintenances and Overhauling, Repairs and Other Interventions,
Consumptions, Production,
Insurances, Claims, Tracking and Mapping via Google Maps and
All this in a simple and effective
way in the Cloud!

- Property Managements
This Module is designed for
Property Management arranged into 4 Categories: Buildings,
Fractions, Land and Lots.
It can be articulated with M270 – Fixed Assets Management,
namely in terms of accounting, taxes, depreciations, and so on.
It covers from the Document Management associated to Real
Estates / Properties, their Characterization, Maintenance /
Events and Interventions, Insurances and Claims.
In addition to the typification of Real Estates, it highlights
the association of Attributes / Items configurable by Users and
their Geographic Location via Google Maps.
It is differentiating the System that it makes available for the
placement of Tickets via Web, for communication and/or request
of Events and Interventions and for the monitoring of these
Tickets and associated Tasks until their fulfillment, namely
controlling and checking times and costs.
Projects / Works
Does the activity of your Organization imply Projects / Works
characterized by consisting of Items to Realize based on
multiple Inputs?
This module can help you. It includes Budgeting, Planning,
Monitoring and Execution of Projects / Works, either in terms of
the Financial aspect of Expenditures and Revenues and Cost and
Sales Prices or in terms of the Operational aspect of Items to
Realize, their Inputs, Payments and Receipts.
Preparation of Proposals, Consumption Plans, Price Composition,
Requisitions and Billing.
Realization, Consumption, Expenditure and Revenue Schedules as
well as ABC Statistics and others.
All this is at your disposal!

- Management of Operations and Micro-Operations
This Module is designed for the
Management of Repetitive Operations arranged in terms of
standard and pre-defined Micro-Operations aiming at an end
and/or applying to an object.
It is based on a Catalog of Micro-Operations to be used in the
arrangement of Operations in terms of, among other things,
Planning, Execution, Control, Valuation and Billing.
From the relation between Inputs and Operations and/or
Micro-operations, including the Composition of Prices, follows
the Registration of the use of Micro-operations to the purpose
or object at issue.
We get the Budgeting, Planning, Monitoring and Execution of
Operations and Micro-operations either in terms of the financial
aspect of expenditures and revenues and cost and sales prices or
in terms of the operational aspect of the Micro-operations to be
Realized and their Inputs.
There is connection with other Modules, namely in terms of
Proposals, Contracts, Orders, Consumption Plans, Requisitions,
Stocks and Billing. Configurable Outputs and Statistics.

Vehicles / Fleet Management
Even for those that do not count
with a large fleet but have some vehicles of any sort, you can
gain much in controlling them better.
This Module includes the
Registration / Characterization of Vehicles, their
Allocation, Interventions, Consumptions, Insurances and
Tracking, Routes and Travels.
A good control of Supplies, Washes, Overhauling, Tires,
Batteries, Repairs and General Expenses, Insurance and Claim
Values, Tracking and Mapping via Google Maps and the good
management of routes and travels can greatly
reduce their costs and improve the performance of your Fleet.

- Vehicles Operations
This Module is designed for the
Management of Repetitive Operations arranged in terms of
standard and pre-defined Micro-Operations linked to Vehicle
It usually has to do with the transportation of General Cargo
and/or Equipment in given Routes. An Operation is a cycle.
For example, Garbage Trucks follow routes to pick up garbage and
delivery it at certain facilities / landfills. Each night is a
cycle, an Operation with Micro-operations defined by type of
cargo that controls which people were linked to the operation,
weights, kilometers, and so on.
Another example: to the Trucks going to a Port to deliver or to
pick up a cargo can be associated Operations decomposed into
parts, into Micro-operations. The same goes for trucks that
distribute bread, gas cylinders, and so on.
It should be noted that our Module M305 – Cargo Logistics also
manages cargo transports, but it is designed for more open and
even multimodal operations, with a much larger variety of
Operations and Micro-operations, which may include several means
of transportation, contexts such as Ports and Warehouses,
Parking / Terminals, Transshipments, Assembly and Disassembly of
Cargoes, Customs Controls and others. Whenever the Module M325
suffices, its use is less complex and more effective than that
of the Module M305.

- Cargo Logistics
This Module is designed for the
Management of Cargo Logistics translated into Operations
arranged in terms of Micro-Operations.
The focus is on the cargoes and on the operation of their
Logistics in terms of handling, reception and delivery, loading
and unloading, parking, assembly and disassembly,
transportation, transshipments, warehouses, ports, customs, and
so on, using several types of transportation and other
It usually has to do with General Cargo, Solid and Liquid Bulks,
Equipment, Vehicles and Containers.
Operations and Micro-operations are Budgeted and Planned
followed by their Monitoring and Execution, whether in terms of
the financial aspects of costs and revenues and cost and sales
prices or in terms of the operational aspects of the
Micro-Operations to be Realized and their Inputs.
It is possible to link this with other Modules, namely in terms
of Proposals, Contracts, Orders, Consumption Plans,
Requisitions, Stocks and Billing. Configurable Outputs and
Statistics are also available.
It should be noted that our Module M325 – Vehicles Operations
also manages cargo transports, but it is designed for more
repetitive and closed operations. The variety of Operations and
Micro-operations is much smaller. Therefore, whenever the Module
M325 suffices, its use is less complex and more effective than
that of the Module M305.
- Purchasing Management
Want to control your purchases
in a better way? Streamline the Internal Requisitions of
Purchases from People and Departments?
The Purchasing Management of Organizations can be optimized with
this Module.
Includes the treatment of Purchase Plans and Orders up to their
It therefore includes information on the Prices of Potential
Suppliers, Market Inquiries and the treatment of their replies
until the issuance of the Order and monitoring of its
It can automate reflexes of the procedures in terms of Stocks,
Accounting and Budgeting.
It implements Alerts and Statistics of Purchases by Department
and/or Activity, Product, and so on.
Note that this Module applies to the Management of Purchases of
all types, regardless of whether its use is justified,
especially when the Organization's operational activity requires
constant and timely purchases of diversified Products and
Services from several sources and high values.
- Treasury Management
and Payments, Bank Reconciliation
and the money to be used in the future?
Treasury Movements automatically?
This Module meets all these
needs in a simple and effective way.
Includes the Record of Receipts
and Payments and the subsequent
of current and provisional availabilities.
The financial future of your
Organization can be checked broken down per Account, Third
Party and Contract.
Also includes, among other
facilities, Transactions with
Banks and Transfers of Funds, the Issuance of typical Treasury
Documents and Bank Reconciliation, which can be automated.
- Commercial and Tax Documents
All Business Documents and
Billing treated in a single Module?
Record, issuance and handling of
Internal Documents, Our Documents to Third Parties and all
sorts of Third Party Documents?
This Module includes the automation of the reflexes of
particularly on Accounting, Checking Accounts, Budget,
Fixed Assets and Stocks / Inventory, as well as the provision
of productivity tools such as the Association of Documents
in Chains and the Transformation of Documents.
It is sufficient to support Billing
unless the country concerned requires specifically certified
Modules for that purpose, cases in which their respective
extensions must be subscribed.
Contract Management
The Contract is a
dimension that runs through our entire ERP. It is in the
Commercial and Fiscal Documents, in the Treasury
Movements, in the Human Resources, in the Accounting
Imputations, being one of the dimensions of Accounting,
in the Operational and Support Areas, in Sectorial
Solutions, etc.
Therefore in the majority of the Modules you can
register and access Contracts. But this M280 Module goes
further and aims at Contract Management itself.
More than a legal document, the Contract is here seen as
a concept and a management tool to frame business
operations. In many companies they are called
"Processes", in the sense of Subjects organized in
Folders. In this Module, these "Processes" can be
treated as "Contracts".
It helps to manage Business Operations, registering its
Scope, Third Party / Stakeholders, Principle, End and
other dates, Values, Responsible, Objectives, Topics,
Events, Documentary Items, Products, Connections and Own
rules among others. When there is a place for the Issue
of Contracts, it can be automated.
It also helps control renewal processes, update prices
and contractual guarantees. The various associated
Validity Periods. Controlling Costs and Income, Returns,
Financial Flows and Associated Quantities.
Fixed Assets Management
The treatment of Fixed Assets
is often overlooked in Organizations.
/ Accounting / Tax Treatment of assets,
the History of associated Events, their Tracking and their
integrated Administrative and Technical Management can be
easily obtained with this Module.
Includes registration, depreciations
/ amortizations, deductions and revaluations and their
accounting reflexes; the
record of Events in General associated with the assets,
and the association of Miscellaneous Values; Inventory
of assets along with their Operating Conditions.
Optical or RFID Treatment
and tracking of assets with mapping via Google Maps
are also available.
Human Resources
- Record of Human Resources
Think it is essential to keep
the Records of Employees and other Collaborators up to date
and accessible anytime from anywhere?
This Module is the answer.
As it is Web-based, it can
be accessed through the Employee Portal, which is an additional
guarantee that the data will be kept updated.
- Time, Accesses and Schedules
Why not waving the use of traditional and costly equipment
and use this Module to have control of the Employees
Times as well as other accesses?
As well the registration of task times?
A simple, effective and economic control, over the Web
You can view attendances in real time. Messages can be introduced
at the Times. It just takes any device with Web access,
even a mobile phone.
You can also benefit from this Module by integrating it
with traditional devices such as the biometric ones, RFID
and others.
- HR Monthly Inputs
Want a Portal designed for
Monthly Inputs required to payroll processing and attendance?
Want to work in a technologically
centralized though functionally decentralized way, i.e.,
near the operations?
In which even the Employees
themselves may enter some types of records and justifications
to be validated by their Heads of Department by implementing
an agile and cost reduction Self-Service?
- Travels and Allowances
Many difficult Travels to
Besides the treatment of
associated Allowances, keep also the record of information
and events relevant to travels.
For example, routes, schedules,
places to stay, tickets, traveler's document data, visas,
vaccines and others, insurances, procedures in emergency
situations, reservations, group composition, contacts and
- Recruitment
Want to have an Online Base
of Applications?
Keep an updated Base of Information
on Applicants/Candidates and Applications as well as have
a computer application to support Recruitment Actions and
their Selection Processes throughout their phases, including
Evaluations / Assessment of Applicants?
With this Module you can even
use the Portal we provide for applications on the Web.
And the communication process
with applicants can be streamlined not only via this Portal
but also with the issuance of emails and automatic letters.
- Performance Evaluation
Want to Evaluate Employees
so as to have a practical base for incentives, enforcement
of authority and adjustments of payrolls?
Or to meet legal requirements?
The measurement of both individual
and team performances, the identification of the Employees’
potential skills, the determination of improvement / training
needs are essential to a good Management.
As it is Web-based, everything
is made easier, from the self-assessment of the Employees
to evaluations carried out by Evaluators, which can be taken
in the Application itself.
The use of paper may be even
waved if desired.
- Training Management
Which are the Training Needs
of the Employees and Collaborators of your Organization?
How to Plan Training, Follow-up
Training Actions, and Control Resources and Costs implied
in Training?
Training Courses and Actions,
Events, Applications, Attendance and Evaluation Records,
Resource Allocation, Consumptions and Training Costs are
treated in a simple and effective way by this Module on
the Web.
- Occupational Medicine
Many Medical Exams to keep
track of and report?
This Module enables the registration
and control of the information related to Occupational Medicine,
including the record of the Employees’ Health Status, Occupational
Diseases and Work Accidents.
Enables the management of Medical Examinations employees
have been submitted to or are planned as well as Work Accidents
and Occupational Diseases along with all the Events (Hospitalization,
Insurances, Authorities at issue, etc.) associated with
Fundamentals / Methodologies
- Altoga Interface I
The Altoga Modules support
the Management of most Organizations. We are talking about
many Areas and Modules. We provide over 50 Modules!
How to ensure then that a
User who learns how to work with one module may easily work
with any other ones?
A common interface to all of them is essential and it must
be simple and easy to learn, robust, tested by
many years of experience and comprehensive in terms of the
facilities it provides.
And it has to be a 100% Web-based interface and
include facilities to the Definition of Outputs, Graphs
and Statistics capable of providing, in addition to the
Operational support, Dashboards required for Management.
In this video we introduce
the most general facilities of our Interface.